
313 clues
Bark bark
Kayak kin
Lake boat
Small boat
Camp sight
River boat
Camp craft
Prau, e.g.
Slim craft
Tippy item
Lake craft
Light boat
Water craft
Lake vessel
River craft
Small craft
Creek craft
Light craft
Quiet craft
Tippy" boat
Bark vessel
Go paddling
Bungo, e.g.
Kayak, e.g.
Birch craft
Pond glider
Tippy craft
Kayak's kin
Lake rental
Indian boat
Narrow boat
River vessel
Type of boat
Indian craft
Camp vehicle
Dugout craft
Kayak cousin
Light vessel
Mohican boat
Narrow craft
Native craft
Rental craft
River runner
Slalom craft
Slender boat
Sponson ___.
Tapered boat
Wobbly craft
Wooden craft
Lake crosser
Paddle boat?
Portage item
River rental
Dugout, e.g.
Paddled boat
Rapids craft
Pleasure boat
Camping craft
Olympic craft
Paddle around
Piragua, e.g.
Portable boat
Portaged item
Rapids rental
Rapids vessel
Resort rental
Stroking site
Indian's boat
Pointed craft
Portage craft
Buckeye, e.g.
Wobbly vessel
Dugout vessel
Pirogue, e.g.
Paddled craft
Rob Roy, e.g.
Fishing craft
An Indian boat
Campers' craft
Hiawatha craft
Lakeside sight
Paddled vessel
Portable craft
Portage vessel
Portaged craft
Rapids shooter
Shell relative
Woodskin, e.g.
Portage burden
Olympics craft
Stealthy craft
Lake transport
Frontier craft
Rapid transit?
Birchbark boat
Kayak's cousin
Dugout, for one
River transport
Rapids transit?
Dugout, perhaps
Fisher's rental
Hiawatha's boat
Thing to paddle
Birch transport
Camp conveyance
Motorless craft
Paddlers' craft
Birchbark, e.g.
Creek transport
Birch bark boat
Birchbark craft
Lakeside rental
Vacation rental
Boat not to rock
Bungo or buckeye
Bungo or pirogue
Bungo or Rob Roy
Camper's floater
Hiawatha carrier
Indian transport
Kayak or buckeye
Paddle, in a way
Penobscot vessel
River conveyance
Summer-camp gear
Tippy transport?
Whitewater racer
Birch bark craft
Chief transport?
Summer camp boat
Tippy watercraft
Kayak's relative
Birchbark vessel
Hiawatha's craft
Anagram of "ocean
Boat like a kayak
Boat with paddles
Campground rental
Hiawatha's vessel
Long, narrow boat
Portage transport
Summer-camp craft
Tapered transport
Tim Finn "Big ___
Trapper transport
Slow-moving craft
Birch bark vessel
Birchbark floater
Paddles propel it
Simple watercraft
Summer camp sight
White-water craft
Whitewater rental
Kayak alternative
Birch bark floater
Buckeye or piroque
Craft for Hiawatha
Gitche Gumee sight
Hiawatha's carrier
It gets a paddling
Lake resort rental
Rob Roy or pirogue
Rob Roy or buckeye
Slender watercraft
Boat with a thwart
Dugout on the lake
Lake rental, maybe
Lake rental, often
Lightweight vessel
Tecumseh transport
Gitche Gumee craft
Easily tipped boat
Wobbly river craft
Big ___" (Tim Finn)
Birchbark or dugout
Canadian conveyance
Craft for Minnehaha
Craft with a paddle
Human-powered craft
It takes a paddling
Kayak or birch-bark
Shallow-water craft
Something to paddle
Transit for Nokomis
Vessel for Hiawatha
Birchbark transport
Certain water craft
Dugout, for example
Part 9 of our quote
Paddle your own ___
Craft for Sacagawea
Craft for Sacajawea
Dugout vessel, e.g.
Vacationer's rental
Boat for Pocahontas
Boat that's paddled
Buoyant alt/folkers?
Canada's water craft
Paddle one's own ___
People-powered craft
Portaged item, often
River boater's craft
Snake River traveler
Tyler's craft, maybe
Buckeye or birchbark
Canadian water craft
Craft for Pocahontas
Lake rental, perhaps
Tippy transportation
Hiawatha's transport
Native American craft
Boat at a summer camp
Mohawk transportation
Pocahontas' transport
Snake River transport
Vacation rental craft
Vessel that's paddled
Bark or aluminum craft
Boat better not rocked
Boat with an outrigger
Bungo or pirogue, e.g.
Fishing gear of a sort
Outrigger, for example
Summer rental, perhaps
Another boathouse item
Boat that rocks easily
Lake rental, sometimes
Transport for Hiawatha
Vacation rental, maybe
Birchbark boat, perhaps
It gets a good paddling
It's due for a paddling
Jewel's first tour bus?
Rapids transit, perhaps
Natty Bumppo conveyance
It may be seen by a bank
Lakeside rental, perhaps
Symbol of vacation ease.
Transport on a camp lake
Vessel for Stuart Little
Easily tipped watercraft
It's paddled in the rear
Transport for the brave?
It needs a good paddling
It's tapered at both ends
Item that may be portaged
Small boat that's paddled
Transport on Gitche Gumee
Vehicle for the outdoorsy
Vessel that may be tipped
Hiawatha's transportation
Native American transport
___ row a boat?" (old pun)
And the new moon for a ___
Boat at many a summer camp
It's propelled by a paddle
Transport for Chingachgook
Early Canadian conveyance
Craft tapered on both ends
British Columbia commu-nity
Boat that requires paddling
Jewel's first tour vehicle?
Olympics vehicle since 1936
Polynesian's mode of travel
Vessel tapered at both ends
Boat used by Lewis and Clark
Carved-out tree trunk, maybe
Item often stored upside-down
Something ported at a portage
Watercraft similar to a kayak
Where standing is ill-advised
It's often stored upside-down
Craft in Disney's "Pocahontas
It may be paddled in the rear
Boat that's similar to a kayak
Trudeau's favourite conveyance
Vessel used by Lewis and Clark
Where one might use a J-stroke
Where rocking is not suggested
Vessel often stowed upside down
Carrier more likely to be tipped
Need for Summer Olympics slaloms
Craft pointed in two directions?
Boat that's an anagram for "ocean
It might be hooked to an outrigger
It's often transported upside-down
Venue where tipping is discouraged
It gets going with a good paddling
Boat that might be made of birchbark
Craft for ''paddlin' Madelin' home''
One that might reach a tipping point
It behaves best with a good paddling
Paddle your own ___ (do your own thing)
Might row out in one, for riverside show
Mode of travel pointed in two directions
To be effective, it needs a good paddling
Animal Collective row out in a "Flesh" one
Can you ___?" (classic cologne catchphrase)
Fragrance from Dana introduced in the 1930s
Might row out in one at riverfront festival
It's often turned upside down when not in use
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