
145 clues
Toler role
Oland role
Movie Dick?
Film sleuth
Actor Jackie
___, Charlie
Honolulu tec
Oland sleuth
Movie sleuth
Biggers hero
Biggers's tec
Sloe-eyed tec
Famous Charley
Role for Oland
Biggers sleuth
Sleuth Charlie
Chinese dynasty
Rush Hour" star
Gumshoe Charlie
Movie detective
Hawaiian sleuth
Oriental sleuth
The Tuxedo" star
#1 Son's surname
Late-show sleuth
Oriental gumshoe
Biggers's sleuth
Fictional sleuth
Charlie or Jackie
Classic detective
Detective of note
Fictional Charlie
Oriental hawkshaw
Oriental Sherlock
Biggers's Charlie
Warner Oland role
Detective Charlie
Derr Biggers hero
Bigger's detective
Charlie the sleuth
Honolulu detective
Action star Jackie
'Rush Hour' co-star
The Foreigner" star
The Medallion" star
Chinese form of Zen
Oriental detective.
Biggers's detective
Fictional detective
Kung Fu Panda" voice
Cat Power's Marshall
Charlie of whodunits
E. D. Biggers sleuth
Movie sleuth Charlie
No. 1 Son or his pop
Detective of fiction
Jackie of "Rush Hour
Sky Dragon" detective
Actor/stuntman Jackie
Charlie with a #1 son
Honolulu movie sleuth
Honolulu-based sleuth
Rush Hour" star, 1998
Jackie of "The Tuxedo
Martial artist Jackie
Shanghai Cobra" sleuth
Classic film detective
Rush Hour" star Jackie
Earl Derr Biggers hero
Detective-fiction name
Jackie of action films
Martial-arts film star
Sleuth played by Oland
Action film hero Jackie
Jackie of action movies
Role for Oland or Toler
T. N. Page's "Marse ___
Action film star Jackie
Movie detective Charlie
___ Marshall (Cat Power)
Rush Hour" costar Jackie
Charlie of old whodunits
Jackie with acting chops
Martial arts star Jackie
The Chinese Parrot" hero
Jackie of "Shanghai Noon
Fictional sleuth Charlie
The Black Camel" gumshoe
Honolulu-based detective
Rush Hour" co-star Jackie
Rumble in the Bronx" star
Father of "Number One Son
Kinchla of Blues Traveler
Martial arts actor Jackie
Sleuth created by Biggers
Keeper of the Keys" sleuth
The Black Camel" detective
Action star from Hong Hong
Hong Kong-born action star
The Chinese Parrot" sleuth
Action star from Hong Kong
Cat Power, aka ___ Marshall
Confucius-quoting detective
Fictional detective Charlie
Jackie of "Shanghai Knights
Tucker's "Rush Hour" costar
Detective fond of aphorisms
2010 "The Karate Kid" costar
Tucker's "Rush Hour" co-star
Sleuth with a "number one son
Keeper of the Keys" detective
The House Without a Key" hero
Earl Biggers' Chinese sleuth.
Sleuth in "The Chinese Parrot
Behind That Curtain" detective
The Shanghai Cobra" hero, 1945
Chinese-born poker star Johnny
Sleuth with numbered offspring
Detective with a number one son
Action star with no stunt double
Detective in "The Shanghai Chest
Detective in "The Shanghai Cobra
Hong Kong-born action star Jackie
Jackie of "The Lego Ninjago Movie
Supersleuth with a nimber one son
Actor Jackie who's his own stuntman
Director and star of "Armour of God
Honorary Academy Award winner Jackie
Sleuth portrayed by Oland and Ustinov
Jackie famed for doing his own film stunts
2014 Olympic silver medalist skater Patrick
Martial artist in the 2010 "Karate Kid" remake
Peter Sellers parodied him in "Murder by Death
If befriend donkey, expect to be kicked" speaker
Jackie who voiced Master Monkey in "Kung Fu Panda
Actor and stuntman Jackie of the "Rush Hour" movies
Alas, mouse cannot cast shadow like elephant" speaker
Charlie who said "Waiting for tomorrow waste of today
Keeper of the Keys" was the last novel he was featured in
Action star Jackie who received an honorary Oscar in 2016
Sleuth in films including "Black Magic" and "The Jade Mask
Jackie who stars in the new revenge thriller "The Foreigner
Action star Jackie who voices Master Wu in "The Lego Ninjago Movie
Fictional character who first appeared in "The House Without a Key
Sleuth who said, "Bills sometimes more difficult to collect than murder clues
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