
145 clues
C or G
__ bass
G, maybe
Treble --
G, F or C
Tenor ___
Bar figure
C, F, or G
Pitch sign
Staff sign
Music sign
Bass symbol
G or treble
Musical mark
Score symbol
Staff symbol
Music symbol
Musical sign
F or G, e.g.
Pierre's key
Staff header
C or G, e.g.
Pitch setter
Pitch symbol
Staff leader
Staff member?
Bass, for one
One on staff?
Pitch caller?
Sign of pitch
Score starter
Treble symbol
Staff opening
Score marking
Musical symbol
Base or treble
Roman à ---
Head of staff?
Music notation
Bass or treble
Staff notation
Treble or bass
Pitch indicator
Bass on 5 lines
Part of a staff
Range indicator
Treble or tenor
Treble, for one
Symbol in music
Musical marking
Sign on a staff
Sheet music mark
Bass or baritone
Music guide mark
Sheet-music sign
Start of a score
Musical notation
Symbol on a staff
Figure on a staff
Sign for Sondheim
Bass, treble or C
Musical character
It's on the staff
Curvy music figure
Music score symbol
Indicator of pitch
Register indicator
Music-score header
Music-staff symbol
Musical staff sign
Sheet-music symbol
Sheet-music marking
Bass or treble sign
Composer's curlicue
It may be C, F or G
Music sheet marking
Music-score marking
Curly musical symbol
French word for "key
Musical pitch symbol
Treble or bass sign?
Bass, treble or alto
Musical score symbol
Sheet music squiggle
Treble, alto or bass
Character on a staff
Bass or treble, e.g.
Musical staff symbol
Treble" music marking
Sign on a music staff
Thing on a music line
Treble" musical symbol
Treble and bass symbol
Treble or bass symbol?
Key signature preceder
Musical staff insignia
It may be on the staff
G or F, on sheet music
Treble" symbol on music
Musical pitch indicator
Symbol on a music score
Time-signature preceder
It has a staff position
Treble or bass, on music
Word with bass or treble
Musical symbol on a stave
Word after bass or treble
Symbol on a musical score
Symbol on a musical staff
Musician's pitch indicator
Pitch indicator on a staff
One that heads up the staff
Sheet music pitch indicator
First symbol on a music line
Musical notation on a staff
Word from the French for "key
Symbol before a key signature
Symbol before a time signature
Treble symbol on a music staff
Sign at the front of some bars
Initial symbol on a music staff
It's usually first on the staff
Musical symbol indicating pitch
Sign seen in front of some bars
Symbol indicating musical pitch
Symbol starting a line of music
Symbol before the key signature
Treble ___ (music staff symbol)
First symbol on a musical staff
Bass" or "treble" musical symbol
Symbol on the front of some bars
Treble ___ (musical staff symbol)
Symbol before the sharps and flats
Symbol on a stave indicating pitch
Bass ___ (symbol on a music staff)
Musical mark before a key signature
Lee Van ___ (spaghetti western actor)
Symbol on the left of a musical stave
Staff symbol before the key signature
Bass" or "treble" symbol on sheet music
Figure at the left side of a musical staff
Symbol at the beginning of a musical staff
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