
276 clues
This is ___
King's home
MSNBC rival
Arnett's net
Lemon's home
News network
Wolf's home?
News letters
Wolf" channel
1980 TV debut
Cooper's spot
Crier's ntwk.
iReport airer
King's milieu
King's realm?
Newsy channel
AC360" channel
Cable-TV ntwk.
King's carrier
Blitzer's beat
Blitzer's home
Fox News rival
King's station
King's network
King's domain?
Larry King's HQ
TV-news network
King's employer
AC360°" channel
AC360º" channel
24/7 news source
New Day" channel
TV debut of 1980
MSNBC competitor
24/7 news pioneer
Atlanta-based co.
Blitzer's network
Blitzer's station
Debut of 6/1/1980
House Call" airer
TV home of a King
Blitzer's channel
MSNBC alternative
1980 Turner launch
24-hr. info source
King's realm, once
Larry King channel
__ Airport Network
Blitzer's employer
Time" media partner
House Call" network
The Eighties" airer
John King's network
John King's station
Larry King's domain
Van Jones's channel
Wolf Blitzer's beat
Fox News competitor
Larry King's milieu
Letters for a King?
Your $$$$$" network
Blitzer's bailiwick
Larry King employer
'Your $$$$$' channel
Early Start" network
Early Start" carrier
It aired 'Crossfire'
Jim Acosta's network
King's longtime home
Larry King's TV home
Paula Zahn's channel
Early Turner project
King's place (Abbr.)
Larry King's channel
Larry King's network
Letters from Atlanta
Atlanta's ___ Center
At This Hour" channel
Late Edition" channel
Parker Spitzer" airer
Paula Zahn Now" airer
Employer of Lou Dobbs
Erin Burnett employer
Jake Tapper's station
''Crossfire'' network
Larry King's employer
Paula Zahn's employer
Situation Room" airer
Atlanta-based network
Jake Tapper's channel
Notable 1980 TV debut
Time Warner subsidiary
'John King, USA' airer
American Morning" home
Crossfire" broadcaster
Aaron Brown's employer
Jake Tapper's employer
Kate Bolduan's channel
Larry King broadcaster
Nancy Grace's employer
Piers Morgan's channel
Poppy Harlow's channel
Sanjay Gupta's channel
Wolf Blitzer's letters
Wolf Blitzer's station
Facts First" sloganeer
Competitor of Fox News
Wolf Blitzer's network
Inside Politics" airer
Wolf Blitzer's channel
American Morning" airer
Situation Room" channel
This Week at War" airer
Atlanta-based media co.
Brian Stelter's channel
Channel for Jake Tapper
Connie Chung's employer
Erin Burnett's employer
Larry King worked there
Larry King's TV network
Media inits. since 1980
Where Larry King worked
Where to see "Crossfire
Situation Room" station
Reliable Sources" airer
Wolf Blitzer's employer
__ Newsroom": cable show
Inside Politics" network
Lou Dobbs Tonight" airer
Sanjay Gupta MD" channel
This is ___" (TV slogan)
24-hr. reporting station
Anderson Cooper employer
Brooke Baldwin's network
Campbell Brown's channel
Fareed Zakaria's channel
Larry King's old channel
Media initals since 1980
The Situation Room airer
Where to view Larry King
Larry King Live" channel
Fareed Zakaria's network
Media letters since 1980
Where to find Larry King
Where to see Nancy Grace
Wolf Blitzer's bailiwick
Inside Politics" channel
Around the World" channel
This is an apple" channel
Your Bottom Line" network
Anderson Cooper's TV home
Cable offering since 1980
Channel founded by Turner
Fareed Zakaria's employer
Home of "Your Bottom Line
Lou Dobbs Tonight channel
Network founded by Turner
Where to see a human Wolf
Fareed Zakaria GPS" airer
Reliable Sources" channel
State of the Union" airer
Media initials since 1980
Anderson Cooper's network
Anderson Cooper's channel
''Paula Zahn NOW'' channel
___ Tonight With Don Lemon
Facebook at Fifteen" airer
Lou Dobbs Tonight" carrier
Soledad O'Brien's employer
Sports Illustrated's owner
Atlanta-based news channel
Anderson Cooper's employer
Wolf Blitzer's broadcaster
Fareed Zakaria GPS" network
Larry King Live" programmer
Piers Morgan Tonight" airer
Situation Room" broadcaster
State of the Union" station
The Situation Room" station
Common waiting room viewing
Home of "The Situation Room
Time Warner Center occupant
___ = Politics" (TV slogan)
The Situation Room" carrier
Channel for Anderson Cooper
Rival of MSNBC and Fox News
Where Bernard Shaw anchored
State of the Union" channel
The Situation Room" channel
The Situation Room" network
Anderson Cooper 360º" airer
Anderson Cooper 360" network
Go Beyond Borders" sloganeer
Inside Politics" broadcaster
Lou Dobbs Moneyline" carrier
Anderson Cooper's TV channel
Broadcast debut of June 1980
Cooper and Blitzer's network
Larry King's former employer
Not Trump's favorite channel
Round-the-clock news pioneer
Where to see Anderson Cooper
Reliable Sources" broadcaster
Annual "Heroes" tribute airer
Channel founded by Ted Turner
It's big on election analysis
Media channel launched in '80
Outlet from Atlanta, in brief
Piers Morgan Tonight" channel
Christiane Amanpour's network
Anderson Cooper 360º" channel
It's often seen on airport TVs
Where to catch Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper 360°" network
Erin Burnett OutFront" channel
Anderson Cooper 360°" channel
Somebody's Gotta Do It" channel
United Shades of America" airer
Channel on in an airport, often
Org. with a "This Just In" blog
Station Lou Dobbs recently quit
TV channel often on in airports
The Situation Room" broadcaster
___ Airport (JFK or ORD TV fare)
The Lead With Jake Tapper" airer
Anthony Bourdain's channel, once
Political Ticker channel (abbr.)
State of the Union" cable channel
Channel associated with a ticker?
Something to watch at SFO and JFK
Where to find Larry and John King
Host of the next Republican Debate
Source for "the latest" since 1980
The Lead With Jake Tapper" channel
Black ___ (rap music, said Chuck D)
Channel setting on many airport TVs
Channel with "Anderson Cooper 360°
Anderson Cooper's channel, for short
Cable channel that employs Don Lemon
It's often seen on an airport screen
United Shades of America" broadcaster
__ Center (Atlanta tourist attraction)
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" airer
Cable channel that employs Wolf Blitzer
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" network
TV channel founded by Ted Turner in 1980
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" channel
Cable channel pumped into airport lounges
Channel that recently hired Eliot Spitzer
Fake news perpetrator, according to Trump
Around-the-clock station for current events
The black ___" (Chuck D's definition of rap)
Cable channel that was founded by Ted Turner
News channel that ranks dead last in viewers
TV employer of Erin Burnett and Piers Morgan
Where Bernard Shaw was an anchor for 21 yrs.
The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer" network
Cable channel that features Ashleigh Banfield
Channel with Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown" cable channel
Channel with a recent "Facts First" ad campaign
Cable channel for which Christiane Amanpour works
Where Larry King will be replaced by Piers Morgan
It has headquarters at N.Y.C.'s Time Warner Center
Cable channel that was founded by Ted Turner in 1980
Channel often seen at hotel bars and airport lounges
Network that airs Mike Rowe's "Somebody's Gotta Do It
World's most widely distributed syndicated news service
Cable channel where Jake Tapper and Don Lemon host shows
Cable channel whose website has a "News and Buzz" section
Cable channel with the citizen journalist iReport section
Where Tucker Carlson got his ass handed to him by Jon Stewart
Station where Larry King will host his final show this December
Parker Spitzer" channel (better run this clue before it gets cancelled)
Cable channel that once won a Four Freedoms Award for freedom of speech
Network that gained prominence through its coverage of Baby Jessica who fell down a well
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