
232 clues
MOMA work
MOMA artist
El Salvador?
Salvador ___
MOMA favorite
Modern painter
Spanish artist
Salvador of art
Babaoua" author
Spanish painter
Arp contemporary
Mustached artist
Salvador at MoMA
Surreal Spaniard
Famed Surrealist
Noted Surrealist
Artist from Spain
Dreamscape artist
Picasso colleague
Surrealist artist
Surrealist leader
Wet-watch painter
Limp-watch artist
Soft-watch artist
Flamboyant artist
Miro contemporary
Artist Salvador __
Limp-clock painter
Mustachioed master
Notable Surrealist
Author of "Babaoua
Limp-watch painter
Catalan surrealist
Mustachioed artist
Crucifixion" artist
Colorful Surrealist
Giant of surrealism
His work is surreal
Homophone for Dolly
Painter for Parton?
Salvador the artist
Spanish surrealist.
Surrealist painter.
Ultramodern artist.
Droopy watch artist
Salvador from Spain
Bunuel collaborator
Mustachioed painter
Unorthodox thinking
Surrealist Salvador
Picasso contemporary
Atomic Leda" painter
Crucifixion" painter
Tuna-Fishing" artist
Contemporary painter
Eccentric surrealist
Melting watch artist
Limp watches painter
Memorable Surrealist
Persistence of Memory
Leda Atomica" painter
Soft Watches" painter
Tuna Fishing" painter
Dream pictures artist
Ultra-modern painter.
Catalonian surrealist
Melting-watch painter
St. Petersburg museum
Painter Salvador ____
Flamboyant surrealist
Big name in surrealism
Drooping-watch painter
Salvador of surrealism
Painter of dreamscapes
Mustachioed surrealist
Salvador the surrealist
The Dream" artist, 1931
He's found in the Prado
Painter of "wet watches
Salvador from Catalonia
Spanish master Salvador
Spanish artist Salvador
Painter of limp watches
Basket of Bread" painter
Lobster Telephone," e.g.
Contemporary of Magritte
Famed surrealist painter
He painted a dream world
Noted Spanish surrealist
Painter of trippy clocks
The "limp watch" painter
Burning Giraffe" painter
Portrait of Gala" artist
Spanish painter Salvador
Painter of stunted pines
Portrait of Gala" painter
Diary of a Genius" author
Mustachioed master artist
Painter of melting clocks
Flamboyant Spanish artist
Painter of melted watches
Lobster Telephone" artist
Lobster Telephone" painter
The Burning Giraffe," e.g.
Salvador, (Spanish artist)
Surrealist artist Salvador
Artist influenced by Freud
Honoree of a Madrid square
Spanish painter, born 1904
Surrealism's Salvador ____
Painter of melting watches
Illumined Pleasures" artist
Focus of a Catalonia museum
He painted "The Last Supper
Surrealist-painter Salvador
Dreamscape painter Salvador
The Burning Giraffe" artist
Spanish surrealist Salvador
Mustachioed Spanish painter
Deliberately strange painter
Dreamscape depicter Salvador
Eccentric surrealist painter
Surrealist born in Catalonia
He painted Helena Rubinstein
The Lugubrious Game" painter
The Burning Giraffe" painter
Artist with a museum in Spain
He painted "The Queen's Party
Painter of melting telephones
Surrealistic painter Salvador
Flamboyant Spanish surrealist
'Persistence of Memory' artist
Galatea of the Spheres" artist
Artist ennobled by Juan Carlos
Artist who wrote "Hidden Faces
Gala's husband and portraitist
Juan Carlos made him a Marquis
Mustachioed artist (1904-1989)
Mustachioed Spanish surrealist
Hallucinogenic Toreador" artist
The Secret Life of Salvador ___
Drooping watch painter Salvador
Figueras, Spain, museum subject
His watches may be for all time
Still Life - Fast Moving" artist
Artist with a signature mustache
He painted "Down the Rabbit Hole
Painter famed for wilted watches
Persistence of Memory painter
''Still Life Moving Fast'' artist
Swans Reflecting Elephants," e.g.
Artist of abstract irrationalism.
Painter involved with Coco Chanel
Spanish painter of melted watches
Inventions of the Monsters" artist
Lobster Telephone" artist Salvador
Artist inspired by runny Camembert
Designer of the Mae West Lips Sofa
Surrealist with a surreal mustache
Artist who was an admirer of Freud
Swans Reflecting Elephants" artist
Burning Giraffes in Yellow" painter
Painter of "The Mock Turtle's Story
Surrealist exiled from the movement
Surrealist Spanish painter, d. 1989
Surrealist with a museum in Florida
Metamorphosis of Narcissus" painter
The Hallucinogenic Toreador" artist
Artist who wrote "Diary of a Genius
Spanish surrealist painter, d. 1989
Swans Reflecting Elephants" painter
Salvador who painted melting watches
''The Persistence of Memory'' artist
Anthropomorphic Bread" painter, 1932
Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador
The Hallucinogenic Toreador" painter
I don't do drugs, I am drugs" speaker
Surrealist who painted melting clocks
The Persistence of Memory" surrealist
''The Persistence of Memory'' painter
''Le surréalisme, c'est moi'' speaker
Artist who built a Dream House in N.Y.
Subject of a museum in Figueres, Spain
Who said "I don't do drugs, I am drugs
Surrealist with a distinctive mustache
Eggs on a Plate Without a Plate" artist
Artist who had a pet ocelot named Babou
“Hallucinogenous Bullfighter” painter
He's the focus of three Spanish museums
Painter of "The Hallucinogenic Toreador
Painter with a museum in St. Petersburg
Spanish painter with a notable mustache
Eggs on a Plate Without a Plate" painter
Surrealist who painted Helena Rubinstein
Painter of ''The Persistence of Memory''
Christ of St. John of the Cross" producer
Designer of the Chupa Chups lollipop logo
Subject of a St. Petersburg, Fla., museum
''Christ of St. John of the Cross'' artist
Surrealist of movies, advertising, ballet.
Surrealist painter with a notable mustache
He painted the Last Supper surrealistically
Surrealist with a museum in Figueres, Spain
Subject of a museum in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Artist who worked on Hitchcock's "Spellbound
Artist who said "I don't do drugs. I am drugs
Collaborator with Disney on the film "Destino
Artist who said, "Take me, I am hallucinogenic
“Eggs on the Plate Without the Plate” artist
Artist with a museum in St. Petersburg, Florida
He's buried in his namesake museum in Catalonia
Salvador who painted "The Persistence of Memory
He called his art "hand-painted dream photographs
Painter of "Soft Self-Portrait with Grilled Bacon
Surrealist who painted "The Persistence of Memory
Fried Eggs on the Plate Without the Plate" painter
Spanish surrealist who collaborated with Hitchcock
Subject of an art museum in St. Petersburg, Florida
Painter kicked out of the Surrealist movement in 1934
Painter portrayed by Adrien Brody in "Midnight in Paris
Surrealist played by Adrien Brody in "Midnight in Paris
Slave Market With the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire" artist
___ Atomicus" (Philippe Halsman photo featuring flying cats)
Co-writer of the Surrealist silent film "Un Chien Andalou," 1929
Artist Salvador best known for his surrealist painting of droopy watches
Surrealist artist Salvador best known for his painting of melting watches
Surrealist painter whose best-known painting shows up often in college dorm rooms
Salvador, who painted all those melty clocks because time is a social construct, duh
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening" artist
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening" painter
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