
220 clues
Gave hue
Did batik
Like batik
Made batik
Made blue?
Turned red
Used henna
Not natural
Went auburn
Went blonde
Did coloring
Hid the gray
Used puccoon
Turned blue?
Colored cloth
Made colorful
Turned colors
Changed color
Applied henna
Like some hair
Blond now, say
Changed locks?
Did batik, say
Gone platinum?
Like blue hair
Like pink hair
Like some wool
Changed colors
Went platinum?
Like some eggs
Did a salon job
Now a new color
--- in the wool
A new color now
Colored clothes
Hid the gray in
Like ombre hair
Made a hue turn
Tinted, as hair
Practiced batik
Given a new hue
Applied henna to
Colored to suit.
Colored, as hair
Highlighted, say
Like orange hair
Like some blonds
Made Easter eggs
Turned to blonde
Went blonde, say
Turned blue, say
Like purple hair
Like Easter eggs
Turned red, maybe
Colored, in a way
Bleached, as hair
Changed, as locks
Changed in colour
Colored, as cloth
Coloured (fabric)
Did some coloring
Fixed Easter eggs
Given some shade?
Given a new shade
Gray no more, say
Like some blondes
Stained, in a way
Turned brown, say
Turned green, say
Darkened, perhaps
Gave a new hue to
Changed the color
Did some batiking
Colored in a salon
Colored, as fabric
Given a color bath
Hid the gray hairs
Hid, as gray roots
Lightened, as hair
Like some red hair
Made colors change
Stained on purpose
Turned a new color
Turned green, e.g.
Turned red or blue
Changed hair color
Given a new colour
Turned blonde, say
Changed the locks?
Used food coloring
Like batik fabrics
Unnatural, as hair
Added highlights to
Emulated a canitist
Hid one's gray hair
Like red pistachios
Made blue, in a way
Turned blue, maybe?
Turned green, maybe
Used indigo on, say
Used henna, perhaps
Applied henna, e.g.
No longer gray, say
Recently blond, say
Unnatural, in a way
Blond, in many cases
Enhanced, color-wise
Jazzed up with color
Like most clown wigs
Like much blond hair
Like some human hair
Rocker's hair, often
Treated with Clairol
Prepared Easter eggs
Turned gray to blond
Turned red, possibly
Went blonde, perhaps
Colored artificially
Hid, as graying hair
Lightened up, maybe?
Not natural, as hair
Not natural, perhaps
Unnaturally platinum
Changed one's locks?
Turned blue, perhaps
Changed the color of
Turned green, perhaps
Applied henna to, say
Brunette no more, say
Colored, as grey hair
Decorated Easter eggs
Dipped in indigo, say
Imbued with a new hue
Like much blonde hair
Made heady highlights
New in hue, like a do
Not colored naturally
Turned brown, perhaps
Turned blue, possibly
Unnatural, as a color
Covered the gray, say
Like many Easter eggs
Not naturally colored
Not natural, in a way
Gone platinum, perhaps
Like faux-colored hair
Put highlights in, say
Turned brunette, maybe
Turned yellow, perhaps
Used Miss Clairol, say
Went platinum, perhaps
Turned silver to gold?
Went brunette, perhaps
Not the original color
Became blonde, perhaps
Colored with henna, say
Did a hairdresser's job
Used Grecian Formula on
Like some changed locks
Colored, as Easter eggs
Used food coloring, e.g.
Changed to pink, perhaps
Colored like Easter eggs
Like some redheads' hair
Prepared for Easter, say
Treated with indigo, say
Unnaturally blonde, e.g.
Used madder or woad, say
No longer green, perhaps
Prepared, as Easter eggs
Unnatural, as hair color
Applied Clairol, perhaps
Like roots, periodically?
Made batik cloth, perhaps
Made more colorful, maybe
Became a brunette, perhaps
Changed one's locks, maybe
Got away from one's roots?
Not naturally blonde, e.g.
Opted for a new hair color
What Elvis did to his hair
Became a brunette, in a way
Lacking gray, you might say
Like Easter eggs, colorwise
Like many a platinum blonde
Went from black to red, say
Gave yourself pink hair, say
Made more colorful, in a way
Used Grecian Formula on, say
Worked on one's locks, maybe
Went from blonde to brunette
Like red, white and blue hair
Prepared Easter eggs, perhaps
Turned from green to red, say
What aging rocker did to hair
Added highlights to, in a way
Not naturally red-haired, e.g.
Turned pink or purple, perhaps
Circa Survive "___ in the Wool
Changed from black to red, e.g.
Like hair that's no longer gray
___-in-the-wool (uncompromising)
Artificially changed the color of
Something With Numbers "Double ___
Went from blond to brunette, in a way
Changed brown hair to blonde, for example
Gone from black-and-white to color, perhaps
Used the hair product Just for Men, perhaps
Went platinum, perhaps, but probably not gold
___-in-the-wool (unchanging in one's opinions)
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