
186 clues
-- -tzu
T'ai ---
Pathet __
Some Thai
Tai tongue
Laos native
Thai people
Kip spender
Thai native
Poet __-tzu
Thai tongue
Asian native
Asian tongue
Tai language
Tai Buddhist
1964 film Dr.
Mekong people
Northern Thai
Tai tribesman
Thai Buddhist
Mekong native
Thai relative
Thai neighbor
Thai language
Asian language
Asian Buddhist
Eastern tongue
Laotian person
Tai's neighbor
A Tai language
Mekong dweller
Thai's neighbor
Southeast Asian
Thailand people
Buddhist people
China's ___-tse
China's -- -tzu
Mekong Buddhist
Vientiane local
A Thai language
Citizen of Laos
___-tzu (Taoist)
'60s film doctor
Taoism's -- -tzu
Eastern language
Relative of Thai
Vientiane native
___-tse of Taoism
Man on the Mekong
NE Thailand group
Thai language kin
Vientiane citizen
SE Asian language
Indochinese people
Isan Thai language
Neighbor of a Thai
7 Faces of Dr. ---
Vientiane language
Vientiane resident
Cambodian neighbor
Indo-Chinese people
Indonesian Buddhist
Philosopher ___-tse
Philosopher ___ Tzu
Beatty of "Superman
Mekong River native
Vietnamese neighbor
Buddhist Thai people
Mekong Delta dweller
Mekong River dweller
Mekong river natives
Vientiane inhabitant
Mekong Valley native
Dr. with seven faces
Indochinese language
Citizen of Vientiane
Cambodian's neighbor
Mekong River language
Larb cooker, possibly
Native of NE Thailand
Northeast Thai tongue
Tony Randall's doctor
Dweller on the Mekong
Language in Vientiane
Language of Indochina
Language of Vientiane
Language akin to Thai
7 Faces of Doctor ___
Southeast Asian tongue
Southeast Asian people
Doctor in a 1964 movie
'The Circus of Dr. --'
Buddhist on the Mekong
Taoism founder ___ Tzu
Thailand's #2 language
Buddhist near Thailand
___-tse, Taoism founder
Branch of the Tai race.
Language with six tones
Louangphrabang language
Mekong River inhabitant
Southest Asian language
Doctor with seven faces
Certain Southeast Asian
'The 7 Faces of Dr. --'
Southeast Asian language
Pathet ___ (Asian party)
Film doctor with 7 faces
Language similar to Thai
___-tzu (Taoism founder)
Dweller along the Mekong
It's spoken in Vientiane
Language related to Thai
Neighbor of a Vietnamese
Citizen of Southeast Asia
Film Dr. with seven faces
Dr." in a 1964 film title
Tao Te Ching" poet __-tzu
Language along the Mekong
Vientiane resident, maybe
Language in the Thai group
___-tse, founder of Taoism
The Seven Faces of Dr. ___
Film "7 Faces of Dr. _____
Language in Southeast Asia
___-Tse (figure in Taoism)
___-tzu (Taoism's founder)
7 Faces of Dr. ---" (1964)
7 Faces of Dr. ___" (film)
Seven-faced doctor of film
Language of Southeast Asia
Chinese philosopher ___ tzu
Doctor in a 1964 film title
In film, he had seven faces
Language heard in Vientiane
Member of a Buddhist people
Pathet ___, Communist group
Vietnam resident's neighbor
___-tzu (founder of Taosim)
Chinese philosopher ___-tse
Dweller on the Mekong River
Chinese philosopher ___-tze
___-tzu (Chinese philsopher)
___-tzu, Chinese philosopher
Film doctor with seven faces
Mostly monosyllabic language
Language spoken in Vientiane
___-Tse (Chinese philosopher)
___-tze (Chinese philosopher)
Largely monosyllabic language
South Asian official language
Language of northern Thailand
7 Faces of Dr. ___" ('64 film)
Official language in Vientiane
'7 Faces of Dr (1964 film). --'
Language along the Mekong River
Language heard along the Mekong
One language spoken in Thailand
Language closely related to Thai
Language written with no periods
7 Faces of Dr. ___" (1964 flick)
Asian language with no plural form
___-tzu (reputed founder of Taoism)
''7 Faces of Dr. ___'' (1964 movie)
Pathet ___ (old revolutionary group)
Language that is mostly monosyllabic
Cuisine similar to Thai and Cambodian
Language spoken along the Mekong River
7 Faces of Dr. ___" (Tony Randall pic)
Language spoken in the Golden Triangle
Cuisine whose staple food is sticky rice
Charles G. Finney's "The Circus of Dr. ___
Tony Randall movie, "7 Faces of Doctor ___
7 Faces of Dr. ___" (1964 Tony Randall film)
Most Vientiane residents, and their language
Language written with no spaces between words
Charles G. Finney novel "The Circus of Dr. _____
Language spoken across the border from southern China
First language of Hank's neighbor on "King of the Hill
Like the Souphanousinphone family on "King of the Hill
Language traditionally written without spaces between words
Southeast Asian language that becomes a country if you add an S
Language that becomes the name of where it's spoken if you add an "s
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