
111 clues
Chico, e.g.
Go West" name
Chico or Karl
Harpo or Karl
Karl or Chico
Karl or Harpo
Karl or Zeppo
Manifesto man
Chico or Harpo
Communist icon
Gummo or Zeppo
Harpo or Chico
Zeppo or Chico
Gummo, for one
Harpo, for one
Zeppo, for one
Chico or Zeppo.
Karl or Groucho
Richard or Karl
Engels associate
Groucho or Chico
Groucho or Karl?
Manifesto" writer
Chico's last name
Groucho's surname
Karl of communism
Out-of-favor icon
Socialism founder
Das Kapital author
Famous film family
Memorable brothers
Pop singer Richard
''Duck Soup'' name
Engels's associate
German philosopher
Das Kapital" writer
The Big Store" name
Famous comedy team.
Last name in comedy
Engels collaborator
Comedy's __ Brothers
Comedic actor Groucho
Family name in comedy
German socialist Karl
Karl with a manifesto
''Duck Soup'' surname
Funny Groucho or Harpo
Karl, Richard or Harpo
You Bet Your Life" host
Duck Soup" marquee name
Harpo, Zeppo or Groucho
Titan of anticapitalism
Animal Crackers" surname
Collaborator with Engels
Harpo, Groucho, or Chico
Writer on class struggle
Big critic of capitalism
Animal Crackers" brothers
Class-action philosopher?
German political theorist
Prussian-born philosopher
A Night at the Opera" name
Noted critic of capitalism
Horse Feathers" family name
Brothers seen in "Duck Soup
Fraternal surname of comedy
Influence on Castro and Mao
Surname of comedic brothers
Time wounds all heels" comic
1950s-'60s TV quiz show host
A Night at the Opera" surname
Any of five O-ending brothers
Big name in economics history
Die Deutsche Ideologie" writer
Any brother in "Animal Crackers
Star of A Night at the Opera
Big name in communism and comedy
Proponent of a classless society
The Communist Manifesto" coauthor
Surname of four "Duck Soup" stars
The Poverty of Philosophy" author
Right Here Waiting" rocker Richard
Surname of four stars in "Duck Soup
Any of the "Animal Crackers" brothers
The Poverty of Philosophy" philosopher
Philosopher who gave his name to an -ism
Surname of four "Animal Crackers" actors
Karl who cowrote "The Communist Manifesto
Democracy is the road to socialism" writer
Karl who philosophized about class struggle
Revolutionary expelled from Prussia in 1849
Noted communist buried in Highgate Cemetery
Dictatorship of the proletariat" philosopher
Who said religion "is the opium of the people
His epitaph begins "Workers of all lands unite
Chico, Groucho, Gummo, Harpo, or Zeppo of comedy
Richard with the 1989 #1 hit "Right Here Waiting
Revolutions are the locomotives of history" sayer
Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo and Gummo, but not Karl
Last name of Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Gummo, and Zeppo
Who said "Revolutions are the locomotives of history
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana" speaker
He claimed the Greeks were offside, in a Monty Python sketch
Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot" quipster
Who said "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce
I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it" speaker
Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others" speaker
The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs" theorist
Who said history repeats itself "the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce
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