
332 clues
An Ivy
Old Eli
Lock man
___ Bowl
Bowl site
Brown foe
Lock name
Eli's home
Elihu's U.
Lock giant
Lock maven
Lock brand
Lock maker
Eli's halls
Eli's realm
Harvard foe
Crimson foe
It's a lock
Brown rival
The Bulldogs
Elis' campus
Conn. campus
Elis' school
Kind of lock
Schlage rival
Cornell rival
Lock producer
New Haven Ivy
Harvard rival
Shade of blue
Big lock maker
Brown opponent
Lock of a type
Rival of Brown
U.S. locksmith
Dubya's school
Columbia rival
Bulldogs' home
Heraldic beast
Eastern campus
New Haven team
Mythical beast
Eastern school
7,688 students.
College founder
Elihu of Boston
Elm City school
Ubiquitous lock
Bulldogs' venue
Bush alma mater
Elihu's college
Princeton rival
Like some locks
Master of locks
Harvard's rival
Connecticut Ivy
Bulldogs' school
Elite university
Home of the Elis
Ivy League team.
Brown competitor
Bulldog's campus
Eli's alma mater
Ivy in New Haven
New Haven campus
Rival of Harvard
One of the Ivies
New Haven school
Bush studied here
Lockmaker of note
New Haven college
Second-oldest Ivy
School since 1701
Big name in locks
Fraser River town
Taft's alma mater
Ivy League campus
Bush's alma mater
Brown alternative
Ivy League member
Ivy League school
Clinton alma mater
College since 1701
Eastern university
Fraser canyon town
Whiffenpoof's home
Connecticut school
Name on many locks
Safe-lock inventor
Whiffenpoof school
Fraser valley town
Connecticut campus
Part of an Ivy trio
Boola Boola" school
Whiffenpoof" locale
Harvard alternative
Ivy with deep roots
Site of Hewitt Quad
University in Conn.
Connecticut college
Ivy founded in 1701
School in New Haven
Harvard's archrival
'Boola Boola' campus
Buckley's alma mater
Bulldogs' alma mater
Clinton's alma mater
Famous US university
Home of the Bulldogs
Philanthropist Elihu
Paul Newman's school
Whiffenpoofs' locale
Whiffenpoofs' school
Bulldogs' university
Skull & Bones school
Skull and Bones site
New Haven university
Amy Chua's university
Harkness Tower locale
Ivy with a law school
Where to see Bulldogs
Beinecke Library site
University since 1701
New Haven institution
Ivy League university
Connecticut ivy school
Cylinder-lock inventor
Elihu ___, famed donor
Ivy League institution
Where Ford studied law
Where Hillary met Bill
Lux et Veritas" school
Cole Porter alma mater
Skull and Bones school
Where Elis matriculate
Nathan Hale alma mater
New England law school
Part of the Ivy League
Connecticut university
Institution since 1701
School founded in 1701
Where the Clintons met
Where Bill met Hillary
'Boola Boola' territory
Boola Boola" stronghold
Bush 41 and 43's school
Inventor Linus: 1821-68
Jodie Foster alma mater
Lock inventor Linus ___
Niles Crane attended it
Noah Webster went there
Where Bob Woodward went
Where Elis are educated
Where Noah Webster went
Where W.J.C. met H.R.C.
YL (Fraser valley town)
College founded in 1701
John Kerry's alma mater
Lock banned at Harvard?
Regatta team since 1852
Boola Boola" university
Meryl Streep alma mater
Noah Webster alma mater
Eero Saarinen alma mater
Beinecke Library setting
Collegiate School, today
Member of the Ivy League
Nick Carraway alma mater
Site of Beinecke Library
Where G.R.F. studied law
Cole Porter's alma mater
Connecticut's Ivy school
George Bush's alma mater
The Clintons' alma mater
Lewis Black's alma mater
Nathan Hale's alma mater
Alma mater of both Bushes
Certain Ivy League school
Famous Ivy-League college
President Taft alma mater
The Ivy League's Bulldogs
Where Albie Booth starred
Where Clinton studied law
University in Connecticut
Jodie Foster's alma mater
Noah Webster's alma mater
Alma mater of Jodie Foster
Anderson Cooper alma mater
Harvard rival in New Haven
Thornton Wilder alma mater
Where Bush played baseball
Ivy growing for 300+ years
University founded in 1701
Where Bill and Hillary met
Benjamin Spock's alma mater
President Bush's alma mater
Alma mater of Tony Shalhoub
George W. Bush's alma mater
Where the Whiffenpoofs sing
Memorial Quadrangle setting
President Taft's alma mater
Institution founded in 1701
Its motto is "Lux et veritas
Lux et veritas" is its motto
Home of the Beinecke Library
Home of the Sheffield School
New Haven's biggest employer
Paul Giamatti’s alma mater
Sonia Sotomayor's law school
William Buckley's alma mater
Third-oldest U.S. university
Alma mater of Bush 41 and 43
Bill and Hillary's alma mater
N.F.L. Hall-of-Famer ___ Lary
School where the Clintons met
Alma mater of five presidents
Connecticut Ivy League school
Elihu for whom an Ivy is named
Harvard's rival in Connecticut
Justice Sotomayor's alma mater
Place with a lock on education
Rival of Princeton and Harvard
Where Flash Gordon played polo
The Bulldogs of the Ivy League
Where Albie Booth once starred
Ivy League school in New Haven
A. B. Giamatti is its president
Buckley's "God and Man at _____
Ivy League home of the Bulldogs
Connecticut's oldest university
Alma mater of five US presidents
Common campus for Bush and Kerry
Common ground for Bush and Kerry
Ivy that's thrived for centuries
Oldest university in Connecticut
Site of new psychiatry research.
Third oldest American university
William Howard Taft's alma mater
Ivy League school in Connecticut
Isaac's best friend in "Manhattan
School named for a Welsh merchant
University where the Clintons met
Home of the Ivy League's Bulldogs
University that went coed in 1969
Alma mater for Bush 41 and Bush 43
Bulldogs' school in the Ivy League
One of the Ivy League universities
Prestigious New England law school
This place has a lock on New Haven
Where Bill and Hillary Clinton met
Where the Clintons got law degrees
Alma mater of both presidents Bush
Alma mater for five U.S. presidents
Memorable English official in India
Whitney's alma mater, appropriately
Collegiate School" chartered in 1701
First US university to award a Ph.D.
Fraser River town or American campus
Ivy League university in Connecticut
University in New Haven, Connecticut
Where Anderson Cooper went to school
Where Gerald Ford went to law school
Where the Clintons studied contracts
Bill and Hillary Clinton's alma mater
Boston-born English official in India
Last Ivy League school alphabetically
Prestigious university in Connecticut
School with the motto "Lux et veritas
Alma mater of Bill and Hillary Clinton
Its mascot is a dog named Handsome Dan
Where the Clintons attended law school
School whose motto is "Light and Truth
Alma mater of Lewis Black and Ben Stein
Alma mater of presidents #41, 42 and 43
Eli Whitney's alma mater, appropriately
Its crest bears a book with Hebrew text
Its original name was Collegiate School
Mr. Burns's alma mater on "The Simpsons
Alma mater for Bill and Hillary Clinton
College where an athlete might wear a "Y
Ivy League school where the Clintons met
School for Rory Gilmore of "Gilmore Girls
Alma mater of Sideshow Bob and Niles Crane
Where the Frisbee was purportedly invented
Ivy League school with its own golf course
Ivy League school in New Haven, Connecticut
Yearly college football opponent of Harvard
Alma mater of George W. Bush and John Kerry
Alma mater of noted plagiarist Fareed Zakaria
Connecticut campus featured on "Gilmore Girls
Home of the Peabody Museum of Natural History
Its football team has played Harvard 134 times
Its Latin motto translates to "Light and truth
Ivy League school whose teams are the Bulldogs
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library setting
Connecticut law school attended by Bill Clinton
Ivy League university in New Haven, Connecticut
Nick Carraway's alma mater in "The Great Gatsby
College that awarded the first Ph.D. in the U.S.
Connecticut university whose mascot is a bulldog
Prestigious university in New Haven, Connecticut
Setting for many episodes of TV's "Gilmore Girls
Ivy League school whose students are called Elis
Setting of the Peabody Museum of Natural History
University where they sing "Bright College Years
Alma mater of Sonia Sotomayor and Clarence Thomas
Ivy League law school attended by Hillary Clinton
Ivy League university that Quinn attends on "Glee
School whose a cappella group is the Whiffenpoofs
That's Why I Chose ___" (musical admissions video)
School Claire Danes and Dick Cheney dropped out of
University attended by George Bush and Bill Clinton
BuzzFeed crossword editor Caleb Madison's alma mater
College whose mascot is a bulldog named Handsome Dan
University Emma Watson turned down in favor of Brown
Connecticut Ivy League school attended by Jodie Foster
University where the rules for football were finalized
Winner of a 1925 intercollegiate crossword championship
Connecticut alma mater of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton
Loser to Harvard for the last nine years in "the Game" :(
University that awarded the first Ph.D. in the United States
Connecticut Ivy League school where Meryl Streep studied drama
New Haven school that's the third-oldest university in America
“Harvard Beats ___, 29-29” (1968 “Harvard Crimson” headline)
Ivy League university Oliver Stone and Claire Danes dropped out of
___ School of Drama (Ivy League program that graduated Henry Winkler)
It's #3 on the U.S. News and World Report list of top American universities
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