
264 clues
Up vote
___ big
Not nay
One vote
Pro vote
Pro call
Ja or da
For" vote
Vote for?
Vocal nod
Vote type
I vote yes
A vote for
House vote
Nay undoer
'Yes' vote
___ or nay
Pro's call
Pro's word
Pro's vote
Vocal vote
Team cheer
This (big)
Voice vote
Nay opposer
Nay negator
House call?
Senate vote
Aye" cousin
Assent word
Formal vote
Nay negater
Voter's cry
Pro choice?
Nay opposite
Passing vote
Nay canceler
Certain vote
A vocal vote
Vote to pass
A floor vote
Meeting vote
One in favor
Biblical yes
Vocal support
In-favor vote
Senate assent
Positive vote
Vote in favor
A way to vote
Concert shout
Passing need?
Vote or cheer
Voting choice
Backer's vote
Passing word?
Pep rally cry
Approving vote
Floor support?
Roll call vote
Assenting vote
Roll call call
Nay's opposite
Word of assent
Thumbs-up vote
House support?
Amen's partner
Bill's support
One voting for
Pro's position
Senator's vote
Vote like "aye
Voter's option
''___, team!''
Bit of support
Approving word
House approval
Positive reply
Word of accord
Passing remark?
Word from a pro
One way to vote
Senate approval
Vote of support
Word of support
Motion approval
I'm in favor!”
Anagram for aye
Assenter's vote
Biblical assent
Voiced approval
Vote for a bill
Call of support
Senatorial vote
Supportive vote
Vote ___ or nay
Word of passage
Yes, biblically
Vote to approve
Supporting vote
Opposite of "nay
Assent of a sort
Supporter's vote
Affirmative vote
A way of voting.
Biblical "indeed
Biblical support
Favorable answer
Legislator's cry
Old-style "truly
Senator's answer
Supporter's word
This, before big
U-turn from "nay
Voice vote shout
Vote in favor of
Vote in Congress
Word with verily
Motion supporter
Passing thought?
Proponent's vote
Supporter's call
Senator's assent
Vote of approval
Word of approval
Positive response
Word of agreement
House affirmative
House call, often
Senatorial assent
Vocal affirmation
Vote you can hear
Term of agreement
Pro-proposal vote
Indeed, in Psalms
Positive feedback
Vote of confidence
Supporter's answer
Congressional vote
Affirmative answer
Parliamentary vote
Favorable vote ...
Roll-call response
It's about ___ big
You've got my vote
Apt anagram of aye
Bill passer's vote
Certain House vote
Indeed, Biblically
Senate affirmation
Senatorial support
Support for a bill
Vote in the Senate
Vote of agreement.
Let's all hope so!
One toward passage
Senate affirmative
Sound from a whip?
Formal affirmation
Senate declaration
I support this bill
It helps in passing
Motion-backing vote
One towards passage
Passing assistance?
Truly, in the Bible
Voice voting choice
Voter registration?
Term of endorsement
Word of affirmation
Informal affirmative
____, though I . . .
I approve the motion
Another way to vote.
Apt anagram for "aye
Response for passage
Senatorial thumbs-up
Thumbs-up voice vote
Congressional assent
Letters of approval?
Support for a motion
Biblical affirmative
I support the motion
Affirmative response
Word said in passing?
I support that motion
Congressional support
Word of vocal support
Affirmate Senate vote
Congressional approval
23rd Psalm affirmation
Motion supporting vote
Motion-supporting word
Parliamentary approval
Parliamentary positive
Shout with a fist pump
Senatorial affirmative
Repeated word in chorus
Vote in the affirmative
___ though I walk . . .
Affirmative Senate vote
Rhyming antonym of "nay
Thumbs-up" in the Senate
Motion carrier, at times
Opposite of a "nay" vote
Pro vote, for new member
Parliamentary affirmative
Go-to concert exclamation
Voter's choice, sometimes
___ high (about that tall)
Positive vote, in Congress
Senator's "thumbs up" vote
Vote that helps pass bills
Vote in a legislative body
Vote that's similar to "aye
What a raised hand may mean
Positive vote in the Senate
Positive political response
Favorable vote in the Senate
Opposite, and rhyme, of "nay
Thumbs-up Congressional vote
___ and nay (opposing votes)
Affirmative vote in Congress
Pro vote for song on setlist
Positive vote similar to "aye
Thumbs-up vote for new member
Parliamentary vote, sometimes
Congressional affirmative vote
Aye's equivalent (and anagram)
Affirmative vote for new member
Biblical word before ''verily''
Thumbs-up vote that's like "aye
___ or nay (voting possibilities)
Positive vote on the Senate floor
Word before "verily" in the Bible
Word in a manual size description
''___, though I walk through ...''
Its anagram is a synonym of itself
Senate word that only sounds exciting
One on the first side to vote, usually
One of the first to raise a hand, usually
Affirmative vote that's an anagram of "aye
It's both a synonym and an anagram of "aye
___, though I walk through the valley . . .
Affirmative that's an anagram of its synonym
___ and nay (voting possibilities that rhyme)
Opposite of nay that sounds like a sports fan's cheer
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