Sitemap H 17701 - 17850
He lost out to Forman for the 1984 Best Director Golden Globe
He lost out to Jamie Foxx for Best Actor of 2004
He lost out to Morgan Freeman for the 2004 Best Supporting Actor Oscar
He lost out to Philip Seymour Hoffman for Best Actor of 2005
He lost the popular vote to Tilden
He lost to Clinton in 1996
He lost to DDE
He lost to DDE twice
He lost to Dwight
He lost to Dwight twice
He lost to Franklin in 1936
He lost to Garry in 1985
He lost to Ike
He lost to Louis, 1935.
He lost to RMN
He lost twice to D.D.E.
He lost twice to Dwight
He lost twice to Riddick
He loved a queen
He loved Aida
He loved an Irish lass
He loved an Irish Rose
He loved Beatrice
He loved Carmen
He loved his Irish Rose
He loved Ilsa
He loved Irish Rose
He loved Lucille
He loved Lucy
He loved Rose
He loved Roxane
He loved Venus
''... he loves ___''
He "Loves A Woman" (with "A")?
He loves, in Latin
He loves (Lat.)
He loves: Latin.
He loves, Latin-style
He loves me, he loves me ___
He loves, she loves, or it loves: Lat.
He loves, to Caesar
He loves, to Cato
He loves, to Livy
He loves to lose
He loves," to Ovid
He lowered the boom in an old song
He made 11 films with Matthau
He made a beginning with Begin
He made a big hit with a tomahawk on "The Tonight Show
He made a bust of Mahler
He made a calf of gold
He made a deal with the devil
He made a fur fortune
He made a mint in mines
He made a pile as Gomer
He made a pile for Nabors
He made an offering of "the firstlings of his flock
He made axle grease from peanuts
He made 'em laugh
He made heads roll
He made him ___ of many colors
. . . he made him ___ of many colors": Gen. 37:3
He made his film debut in "Rocky III
He made his fortune in oil
He made his horse a senator
He made his last Supreme Court appointment in 2003
He made his mark in movies
He made Jimmy Kimmel famous
He made late-night deliveries
He made Long Island into Treasure Island
He "made me do it," with "the" [4]
He made music with Sylvia
He made the first million-selling recording
He made the Mona Lisa smile: 3 wds.
He made the poor Moor sure his wife wasn't pure
He made Time
He made WMDs a household word
He makes a hit
He makes a new start
He makes an effort
He makes audits.
He makes good scents
He makes Mickey mobile
'He makes no friend who never made --': Tennyson
He makes no friends who never made __": Tennyson
He makes reparation
He makes tracks
He makes vein efforts
He makes weekly countdowns?
He makes you yawn
He maketh me to ___ down in green ...
He-man type
He-Man Woman-___ Club ("Little Rascals" group)
He managed the U.S. to its first Olympic gold in baseball
He-man's asset
He-man's display
He-man's nickname
He-man's pride
He-man's trunks?
He marched with Martin
He married a Duke
He married a Kardashian
He married Brice
He married Charo
He married Daisy Mae in 1952
He married Daphne, on "Frasier
He married Edie
He married He
He married him in 1930
He married Jackie
He married Marjorie Bouvier
He married Morticia
He married Octavia and later had her killed
He married Pocahontas.
He married Shirley Temple
He married Trista in 2003
He married two Hittites to the chagrin of his parents, in Genesis
He marries Amy.
He marries Amy March
He may be after the belle
He may be beside himself
He may be first, second, or third in the field
He may be first, second or third on the diamond
He may be good or bad
He may be hiding out at his ...
He may be high
He may be over your head
He may be sore
He may be split
He may be tight
He may be up to his neck in socks
He may be watching you
He may carry your burdens
He may coach Little League
He may come from Qom
He may come from Qum
He may devise or fabulize
He may do some stripping
He may fix his sights
He may get the blues
He may get the shaft
He may give three jeers
He may give you a seat
He may go stir crazy
He may have a beat
He may have a coach
He may have a hand full of clubs