Sitemap H 18901 - 19050
He starred with Crosby
He starred with his daughter in "Paper Moon
He starred with Jamie Foxx in "Dreamgirls
He stars with Jeanmaire.
He starts his own company, hoping to ___ ...
He stays apart from parties
He steals from Smaug
He steers ships
He stole the Queen of Hearts' tarts
He stole the tarts of the Queen of Hearts
He stopped smoking cigars in 1985
He struck Caesar "like a cur
He struck out
He ''stung like a bee''
He succeeded and preceded Churchill
He succeeded Boutros
He succeeded Carson
He succeeded Churchill
He succeeded Claudius
He succeeded Claudius I
He succeeded Coty as French president
He succeeded Eisner as head of Disney
He succeeded H.C.H.
He succeeded JFK as president
He succeeded Michael as Batman
He succeeded Nasser
He succeeded Richard
He succeeded to the Chrysanthemum Throne in 1989
He succeeded two queens
He succeeded Warren
He succeeds
He suceeded Johnny and preceded Jimmy
He sucks a lot
He summons: Lat.
He supplied Carl Fredricksen's voice in "Up
He supplied Lex Luthor with red kryptonite
He supplied lyrics for George's music
He supplied the voice for Sylvester
He sure plays a --- pinball" (The Who)
He surpassed Ruth
He surpassed Ruth in 1974
He surpassed Smith as the all-time winningest N.C.A.A. tournament coach
He surrendered at Appomattox Court House
He surrendered to Grant in 1865
He swam the Hellespont for love
He swore by the moon
He swore fidelity to Fidel
He swore in Dwight, John, Lyndon, and Richard
He swore in JFK
He takes a course on a ship
He takes a gambol
He takes chances
He takes his pick
He takes mail orders
He takes panes with his work
He takes things the wrong way
He takes up the slag
He talked horse sense
He talked only to Wilbur
He talked to Wilbur
He talked to Wilbur Post
He tapped Ryan in 2012
He taught an ancient language in film
He taught Daniel-san
He taught Mowgli the law of the jungle
He taught Stradivari
He tells "An Inconvenient Truth
He tells people how to behave.
He tends for Barney, Homer, Lenny, Carl, Sam and Larry
He tends to pressing matters
___ He than breathing . . . ": Tennyson
He thanked God for Friday
He that ___ a beard is more than a youth" (Shakespeare)
He that ___ and runs . . .
He that ___ anger . . . ": Prov. 16:32
He that ___ down with dogs ...
He that __ down with dogs shall rise up with fleas": Franklin
He that ___ good is of God": 3 John
He that hath no beard is __ than a man": Shak.
He that is without sin among you, let ___ first cast a stone at her" (John 8:7)
He that ___ may read": Tennyson
He that ___ over men must be just": II Samuel
He that spareth his rod ___ his son
He then hands the genie ...
He think he ___ that
He thinks he has the answers
He thinks it's not easy being green
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous" speaker
He thinks two's a crowd
He thought up "The Thinker
He threw seven no-hitters
He threw to Chance
He thrives by making knives
He tied Grant Hill for the 1995 NBA Rookie of the Year
He, to Caesar
He, to Canio
He to Cassius
He, to Enrico
He, to Hadrian
He, to Henri
He, to Loren
He, to Louis
He to Luigi
He, to Rocco
He, to she
He told a hare racing story
He told a hare racing tale
He told Bill O'Reilly, "Loud doesn't mean right
He told of the ant and the grasshopper
He told Sheba to come back
He told Stimpy about Yak Shaving Day
He told the Once-ler, "Sir! You are crazy with greed. There is no one on earth who would buy that fool Thneed!
He told the story of Rudolph
He told you so
He took a bath
He took a bow during a fire
He took a famous journey on the Beagle
He took a famous mythological fall
He took a fling with a sling
He took a ribbing
He took a ride
He took a "Streetcar" to stardom
He took Donald's "M*A*S*H" role in the sitcom
He took Holyfield's title away in 1992
He took office in 1825
He took office in 1850
He took office in 1877
He took pairs
He took part in the overthrow of King Farouk
He took Richmond
He took Rome: A.D. 410
He took Romulus to heaven
He took Silver
He took the red pill
He took the title from Holyfield
He took the title from Sullivan
He took Ticonderoga
He took two tablets
He took up painting while recovering from appendicitis
He topped A.E.S. twice
He toured Hades with Aeneas
He tracks one's energy levels
He traded his birthright for a mess of pottage
He trademarked the phrase "Bam!": 2 wds.
He trained Spectacular Bid
He transmits orders for a general.
He traveled through hell, purgatory, and paradise
He travels the ___ who . . .
He treats ailing concertgoers