Sitemap I 27301 - 27450
Inventor of the movie camera
Inventor of the phonograph
Inventor of "the plow that broke the Plains
Inventor of the Polaroid camera
Inventor of the reaper
Inventor of the revolver
Inventor" of the rope-a-dope
Inventor of the spinning jenny
Inventor of the stage?
Inventor of the steel plow
Inventor of the stock ticker
Inventor of the symphonic poem
Inventor of the telephone
Inventor of the telephone, d. 1922
Inventor of vulcanized rubber
Inventor of wine, according to the Bible
Inventor on Serbia's 100-dinar note
Inventor Otis
Inventor Pliny
Inventor Popeil
Inventor Rubik
Inventor Rudolf
Inventor Samuel
Inventor Sikorsky
Inventor Sperry
Inventor Tesla
Inventor Thomas
Inventor Tull
Inventor Wallach
Inventor Whitney
Inventor Whitney, as an undergrad (!)
Inventor Whitney et al.
Inventor Whitney, for one
Inventor who doesn't receive patents?
Inventor who gave skyscrapers a boost
Inventor who inspired this puzzle
Inventor who laid it on the line
Inventor who received a lifetime achievement Grammy in 1970
Inventor who rivaled Tesla
Inventor who said, "The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around
Inventor who said "There is no substitute for hard work
Inventor who saw the light
Inventor whose name is spelled out by the horizontal lines of special characters in this puzzle
Inventor with a bright idea
Inventor with a Central Park statue since 1871
Inventor with more than 1,000 patents
Inventor Witney
Inventor–clock-maker Terry
Inventor's basis
Inventor's brainchild
Inventor's brilliant notion
Inventor's center?
Inventor's challenge?
Inventor's creative thought
Inventors' cries
Inventor's cry
Inventor's cry of discovery
Inventor's cry of success
Inventors' diaries?
Inventor's dream
Inventor's exclamation
Inventor's first step
Inventor's flash
Inventor's forte
Inventors' fortes
Inventor's germ
Inventor's goal
Inventor's goal, perhaps
Inventors have them
Inventor's incentive
Inventor's inkling
Inventor's inspiration
Inventor's jubilant shout
Inventor's "light bulb
Inventor's "lightbulb
Inventors may try to build a better one
Inventor's middle name
Inventor's milieu
Inventor's name
Inventor's need
Inventors, of a sort
Inventors of new words
Inventor's or author's quest
Inventors : patents :: authors : --
Inventor's place
Inventor's pride and joy
Inventors' seeds
Inventor's shout
Inventor's spark
Inventors' sparks
Inventor's specialty
Inventor's springboard
Inventor's start
Inventor's starting point
Inventor's starts
Inventor's "step one
Inventor's stock-in-trade
Inventor's thought
Inventor's undoing?
Inventor's workplace
Inventors' workplaces
Inventory abbr.
Inventory acronym
Inventory contents: Abbr.
Inventory, e.g.
Inventory entry
Inventory evaluation acronym
Inventory evaluation meth.
Inventory extreme
Inventory fig.
Inventory, for short
Inventory item
Inventory items
Inventory job for a fuel bog farmer?
Inventory letters
Inventory list
Inventory listing
Inventory no.
Inventory philosophy
Inventory stock, in adventure games
Inventory system, for short
Inventory taker?
Inventory term
Inventory unit
Inventory valuation method
Inventory wd.
Invents a new word
Invents, as a story
Invents, as a word
Invermere _____
Inverness area code, to Flavius
Inverness gift shop souvenir
Inverness indigene
Inverness individual
Inverness is one
Inverness negative
Inverness uncles
Inverno precipitation
Inverse function in trigonometry
Inverse, in trig functions
Inverse math function
Inverse of "floods