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Sitemap O 29401 - 29550
One who's looked up to
One who's looking
One who's looking to score
One who's loose
One who's lying
One who's made a pledge
One who's making nice
One who's morally flawed
One who's more than attentive
One who's more than devoted
One who's moved from left to right
One who's moved from the left to the right
One who's much praised
One who's never asked for a hand?
One who's new on board
One who's next in line
One who's no dynamo
One who's no longer blue?
One who's no longer one of the finest
One who's no pro
One who's no slouch
One who's no social butterfly
One who's not a company man?
One who's not a pro?
One who's not a procrastinator
One who's not all there?
One who's not being precise
One who's not big on largesse
One who's not from around here
One who's not fully in control
One who's not in
One who's not in the habit of wearing a habit
One who's not "it
One who's not on the honor roll
One who's not out all night?
One who's not out for the night?
One who's not out of bounds?
One who's not serious
One who's not straight
One who's not sure what's up?
One who's not swift
One who's not up at noon
One who's not upright
One who's now right-brained?
One who's off-base
One who's off base, maybe
One who's often doing favors
One who's often high
One who's often looking down in the mouth, for short?
One who's often not himself?
One who's often over a barrel?
One who's often rubbed out
One who's often trying
One who's often with child?
One who's oil-powerful
One who's on the mend?
One who's on the other side?
One who's on the way out
One who's on your side
One who's out of stock?
One who's out of this world?
One who's out of touch
One who's outstanding?
One who's ova-bearing
One who's overly eager
One who's owed
One who's owed money
One who's passed the bar: Abbr.
One who's persona non grata at home
One who's picky about his work?
One who's practicing: Abbr.
One who's pragmatic about preferred party guests (7)
One who's pretentious as hell?
One who's printed
One who's quite a feller?
One who's read an encyclopedia's first volume?
One who's really going places
One who's recumbent
One who's registered for work?
One who's resigned
One who's revolting?
One who's rolling in dough?
One who's rubbed out?
One who's sadder and maybe wiser
One who's scared to try a popular jumping sport?
One who's seen better times
One who's shaking
One who's shortsighted
One who's slow on the uptake
One who's socially challenged
One who's socially clueless
One who's sore
One who's sore after the game?
One who's sorry
One who's speechless
One who's split
One who's spoken for
One who's sprung the coop
One who's starstruck
One who's starting something
One who's succeeding
One who's suckered
One who's suffering
One who's supposed to be available if needed
One whos swooned over
One who's taken in
One who's taken vows
One who's taking a polar vortex pretty hard?
One who's taxed
One who's tempting NBC's Williams?
One who's tickled
One who's tight-lipped
One who's "toast
One who's toasted or roasted
One who's told to stroke
One who's tough to budge
One who's trustworthy?
One who's trying
One whos unhip
One who's up
One who's up a creek?
One who's up in baseball
One who's vegging out
One who's very good at rocking the cradle?
One who's waited upon
One who's washed up
One who's well off
One who's with you
One who's withdrawn
One who's working out of pocket, informally?
One who's worshiped
One who's worshipped
One whose appearance changed in a telphone booth
One whose area is arias
One whose bag is gags
One whose business has a lot of overhead?
One whose business is growing
One whose business is mostly overhead?
One whose business is picking up?
One whose business is protection
One whose business is taking off?
One whose car has a bonnet and tyres
One whose career is taking off?
One whose charges are sarges
One whose checks need checking
One whose checks should be chucked?
One whose "chicks" have flown?
One whose citations are always on target?
One whose crush was caped