Sitemap T 3151 - 3300
Take-out places?
Take-out shop
Take-out sign
Take out surgically
Take out text
Take out the security cameras, e.g.
Take out (the trash)
Take out the trash," repeatedly
Take out the yacht
Take out, to an editor
Take over
Take over a gene unit?
Take over, as a loan
Take over, as a market
Take over, as control
Take over, as land
Take over as one's own
Take over, as the market
Take over at a job
Take over by force
Take over for
Take over for a band member
Take over for, as a pitcher
Take over, in a way
Take over to use as one's own
Take painful steps
Take pains?
Take panes with one's work
Take part?
Take part (in)
Take part in a 5K race
Take part in a contest
Take part in a drive
Take part in a game
Take part in a Halloween tradition
Take part in a hunger strike
Take part in a marathon
Take part in a rebellion
Take part in a revolt: 2 wds.
Take part in a roleo
Take part in a secret joint venture?
Take part in a stage production
Take part in a think tank
Take part in a tilt
Take part in an auction
(Take part in) battle
Take particular notice
Take personally
Take photos with this
Take pieces from?
Take place
Take place after
Take place as a result
Take place next
Take place subsequently
Take plaice?
Take pleasure
Take pleasure, as in one's glory
Take pleasure (in)
Take-___ (portable)
Take possession
Take possession of
Take post-battle inventory
Take precautions
Take property away
Take punishment to heart
Take punitive action
Take ________, QB ploy to end the play
Take quickly
Take rays?
Take ___ (react to applause)
Take ____ read
Take recess (of court)
Take ___ (reduce sail)
Take __ (relax)
Take reprisals for
Take ___" (request to a secretary)
Take __ (respond to applause)
Take ___ (respond to kudos)
Take responsibility!
Take responsibility for
Take responsibility, per some cisgender males
Take __: rest
Take -- (rest one's dogs)
Take retribution
Take revenge
Take revenge on
Take ___ (ride around town, perhaps)
Take right out of a book?
Take risks
Take root
Take Rover to Ruth's Chris?
Take rudely
Take ___ (sample a drink)
Take ___ (sample some)
Take -- (sample the drink)
Take ___ (say "I do")
Take ___!" ("Scram!")
Take ___ seat you like
Take second helpings
Take second vows
Take serious risks
Take seriously
Take seriously — wait on
Take Shakespeare's spirit for a walk
Take shape
Take shelter, with "down
Take ___, She's Mine
Take ___, She's Mine," 1961 Broadway hit
Take ___, She's Mine," 1961 play
Take shoppers for a ride?
Take short-term
Take shorthand
Take shots of
Take sides
Take sides, say
Take sides (with)
Take ___ sign
Take ___!" ("Sit down!")
Take -- (sleep briefly)
Take ___ (sleep midday): 2 wds.
Take small bites
Take __ (sneak up on)
Take __: snooze
Take ___ (snooze briefly): 2 wds.
Take ___ (snooze in the daytime): 2 wds.
Take some!
Take some air
Take some courses
Take some heat
Take some jerks as hostages?
Take some new vows
Take some off the top?
Take some pressure off
Take some shots
Take some swings
Take some tabacky
Take some time to oneself, maybe
Take someone's wheels from at gunpoint
Take something off
Take (something offered)
Take something without the owner's consent
Take ________ song ...
Take --- song and make it ...
'Take -- song and make it better'
Take __ song and make it better": Beatles lyric
Take --- song/make it better
Take sound off a tape
Take ___ (speak to privately)