
944 clues
A drone
Not pro-
Busy bug
Adam ___
Tiny bug
White ___
A hexapod
'80s Adam
Home pest
B.C." bug
Tiny pest
Amazon ___
Colony bug
Pantry bug
Picnic bug
Syn.'s kin
Farm unit?
Hill maker
House pest
Army unit?
Acid head?
Social bug
Wee worker
Latch onto
Farm animal
Raid target
Garden pest
'Fire' bug?
Bug in farm
Colony pest
Hill tender
Red or army
Red or fire
Social sort
Syn.'s opp.
Wee soldier
______ farm
Hill raiser
Kelep, e.g.
Pharaoh ___
Rocker Adam
Soldier ___
Sugar lover
Tiny Amazon
Social pest
Small queen
Crumb toter
Dict. abbr.
Farm insect
Busy worker
Hill insect
Tiny toiler
Little pest
Hill worker
Earth mover
Tiny insect
Leaf lifter
Pantry pest
Tiny worker
Busy insect
Picnic pest
Tiny marcher
Flicker food
B.C." insect
Army" insect
Adam of rock
Aphid milker
Army marcher
Cartoon Atom
Colonial bug
Color add-on
Crumb hauler
Farm builder
Fire or army
Mini marcher
Opp. of syn.
Tiny forager
Tunnel maker
Wee colonial
Army crawler
Army member?
Busy crawler
Hill crawler
Hill denizen
Kind of hill
Pub crawler?
Aesop insect
Carpenter __
Crumb bearer
Hill critter
Queen, maybe
Cookout pest
Crumb runner
Farm critter
Farm denizen
Farm worker?
Leaf carrier
Type of farm
Tiny critter
Farm crawler
Farm dweller
Hill climber
Home invader
Tiny crawler
Tiny soldier
Nest builder
Small worker
Wee colonist
Kind of farm
Tiny laborer
Amazon, e.g.
Orkin target
Small insect
Caste member
Kitchen pest
Red or Black
Lowly worker
Colony member
Aardvark food
Amazon insect
Aphid "farmer
Argentine ___
Bug in a farm
Colony worker
Crumb claimer
Fabled insect
Fire or honey
Flik, for one
Mighty insect
Minute worker
Mound builder
One of "Them!
Pesky pismire
Pharaoh, e.g.
Picnic plague
Queen's pawn?
Small crawler
Small marcher
Soldier, e.g.
Strong insect
Teeny marcher
Tiny burrower
Wee carpenter
Farm resident
Harvester ___
Hill occupant
Mound dweller
Pantry insect
Picnic insect
Small farmer?
Aesop critter
Busy colonist
Bug on a farm
Cupboard pest
Many a worker
Termites' kin
Picnic ruiner
Little worker
Small soldier
Social worker
Pantry raider
Hill resident
Lawn tunneler
Colony insect
Tiny tunneler
Tiny colonist
Crumb carrier
Lowly laborer
Colony dweller
Kind of colony
Picnic problem
Tiny colonists
Army creature?
Busy creature.
Carpenter, say
Colonizing bug
Colony citizen
Colony marcher
Common crawler
Echidna morsel
Emmet or kelep
Farmed insect?
Flicker morsel
Hexapod worker
Hill dweller ?
Hobby farm bug
Honeydew eater
Kelep or emmet
Kelep, for one
Lizard's snack
Micraner, e.g.
Pangolin snack
Pantry crasher
Pantry concern
Pantry crawler
Picnic crawler
Saver of fable
Tiny carpenter
Tiny harvester
Toiling insect
Tunnel denizen
Tunnel dweller
Ubiquitous bug
Word after red
Alien ___ Farm
Colony critter
Drone or queen
Farm creature?
Fire or driver
Picnic visitor
Queen's worker
Social insect.
Tunnel creator
Antenna holder
Colony denizen
Colony soldier
Little crawler
Tiny colonizer
Small colonist
Tunnel builder
Aesopian saver
Picnic plaguer
Little laborer
Dragonfly prey
Colony crawler
Pantry invader
Picnic crasher
Household pest
Picnic invader
Picnic spoiler
Aardvark snack
Marching insect
Aesopian animal
Aardvark entree
Aardvark's prey
Soldier" insect
Carpenter, e.g.
Colonial power?
Colony occupant
Crawling insect
Ergate or kelep
Fable character
Flicker's snack
Formicary maker
Hill "carpenter
Kitchen crawler
Leaf-cutter ___
Little soldier?
Little tunneler
Lizard's nibble
Lover of sweets
Minute marcher?
Numbat's morsel
Numbat's tidbit
Pantry creature
Pantry intruder
Picnic attendee
Picnic predator
Small carpenter
Sociable insect
Social climber?
Social creature
Tiny six-footer
Z-4195, in film
Aardvark victim
Amazon, for one
Bug in a colony
Certain soldier
Crumb scavenger
Farm inhabitant
Little colonist
Pantry pillager
Picnic scurrier
Them!" creature
Echidna's snack
Harvester, e.g.
Insect of fable
Tunnel traveler
High Hopes" bug
Aardvark tidbit
Colony resident
Cookout crasher
Little scurrier
Six-legged pest
Thesaurus abbr.
Tiny earthmover
Bad picnic omen
Hill inhabitant
Aardvark morsel
Aesopian insect
Queen's subject
Industrious bug
Industrious one
Picnic nuisance
Aesop character
Picnic intruder
Picnic hamperer
Kitchen invader
Pangolin's lunch
Aardvark's snack
'80s singer Adam
Animal on a farm
Colonial crawler
Colonial insect?
Echidna's edible
Figure on a hill
Hard-working bug
Harvester or red
Little harvester
Marvel's ___-Man
Pest at a picnic
Picnic disrupter
Picnic schnorrer
Six-foot worker?
Six-legged queen
Sluggard's model
Small army unit?
Soldier or queen
Soldier or slave
Sugar-loving bug
Teensy carpenter
Tiny pantry pest
Tiny picnic pest
Toiler on a hill
Unpaid carpenter
Wee hill builder
Aardvark's treat
Burrowing insect
Bug spray target
Insect in a hill
Little carpenter
Pantry annoyance
Pesticide target
Pismire, for one
Small six-footer
Soldier, for one
Tiny sugar-lover
Tunneling worker
Worker on a farm
Carpenter insect
Cupboard invader
Pangolin's treat
Pharaoh, for one
Six-foot runner?
Tiny army member
Echidna's morsel
Formicary member
Insect on a hill
Intrusive insect
Picnic buttinsky
Red army member?
Worker on a hill
Cupboard crawler
Emmet or pismire
Certain colonist
Doodlebug's prey
Opposite of syn.
Termite's cousin
Dictionary abbr.
Woodpecker's prey
Ubiquitous insect
Aardvark's staple
Aardvark's victim
Aesopian creature
Aphid-milking bug
Army fire or red
Barbecue botherer
Black Flag victim
Certain colonizer
Crawler on a farm
Crawler on a hill
Critter in a farm
Critter on a hill
Hill-dwelling bug
Leaf cutter, e.g.
Little six-footer
Marching creature
Minute monarchist
Model of industry
Organized insect.
Picnic interloper
Prefix for arctic
Queen in a colony
Queen of the hill
Sedulous colonist
Six-legged toiler
Soldier in a hill
Sugar bowl raider
Tiny antenna user
Tiny hill crawler
Very small worker
Colonial creature
Grasshopper's pal
Tiny farm denizen
Aardvark's nibble
Aardvark's quarry
Black Flag target
Hill-building bug
Pangolin's morsel
Colonizing insect
Tiny hill builder
Tiny hill dweller
Boric acid target
Fumigation target
Queen's attendant
Six-legged hauler
Six-legged worker
Aardvark's tidbit
Formicary dweller
Formicary denizen
Aardvark's morsel
Symbol of industry
Six-legged marcher
'80s "pirate" Adam
High Hopes" animal
2018 film creature
Adam of rock music
Black queen, maybe
Bread crumb bearer
Busy little insect
Carpenter, for one
Colonist in a hill
Cooperative insect
Crumb-carrying bug
Doodlebug's morsel
Ending with defend
Formicarium insect
Formicarium member
Formicary occupant
Formicide's target
Hardworking insect
Harvester, for one
Hobby farm critter
Little pantry pest
Little red soldier
Member of an army?
Miniature colonist
Opposite of a syn.
Pantry-raiding bug
Picnic undesirable
Rubber tree mover?
Six-foot creature?
Sugar-bowl invader
Tachyglossal treat
Termite's relative
Tiny colony member
Tiny crumb carrier
Tunnel-digging bug
'80s musician Adam
Barbecue buttinsky
Breadcrumb carrier
Contest conclusion
Fire or army, e.g.
Food for a flicker
Formic-acid source
Hard little worker
Industrious worker
Lover of leftovers
Rock star Adam ___
Six-legged warrior
Termite look-alike
High Hopes" insect
Six-legged critter
Termite, white ...
Worker in a colony
Worker for a queen
Hobby farm denizen
Sugar bowl visitor
Six-legged soldier
Member of a colony
Insect in a colony
Underground worker
Formicary resident
Industrious insect
Myrmecophobe's fear
Friend or Foe" Adam
High Hopes" critter
Aardvark's delicacy
Aardvark's interest
Aesop's hard worker
Bug in a hobby farm
Epitome of industry
Fire or army chaser
Hobby farm creature
Hobby farm occupant
Insect that marches
Insect with a queen
Little hill builder
Little tree climber
Marcher in a column
Picnic party pooper
Picnic troublemaker
Red or black insect
Six-legged colonist
Sluggard's exemplar
Small social insect
Snack for a flicker
Social group member
Some are carpenters
Subterranean toiler
Symbol of diligence
Tiny colony crawler
Tiny pantry invader
Tiny trail follower
White ___ (termite)
Crawler in a colony
Critter in a colony
Farm dweller, maybe
Six-legged scurrier
Soldier in a colony
Tiny picnic crasher
Unwanted carpenter?
A Bug's Life" extra
Industrious critter
Hard-working insect
''A Bug's Life'' bug
Aphid-farming insect
Aphid-milking insect
Bug an aardvark eats
Bug with formic acid
Certain farm dweller
Common forest insect
Creature in a colony
Crawling picnic pest
Food for a doodlebug
Formicarium tunneler
Grasshopper's friend
Hymenopteran critter
Hymenopterous insect
Insect having castes
Intruder in the dust
Kind of hill or lion
Little farm resident
Maker of small hills
Myrmecology specimen
One may be a soldier
Pesky picnic problem
Red or army follower
Soldier in the field
Soldier on the march
Soldier or carpenter
Superorganism member
A Bug's Life" insect
Adam of "Strip" fame
Carpenter or soldier
Colonist in a column
Fast, to slow: Abbr.
Industrious creature
Kind of bear or lion
Offspring of a queen
One on a pantry raid
One ruled by a queen
Six-legged carpenter
Hill-dwelling insect
High Hopes" creature
Underground colonist
Grasshopper's critic
Formicary inhabitant
Hill-building insect
Myrmecologist's topic
Snack for an aardvark
Army member of a sort
Black or red creature
Bug with a tiny waist
Builder of tiny hills
Cold continent: Abbr.
Crawler with antennae
Creature with a queen
Hill-dweller of sorts
Insect aardvarks love
Insect in "High Hopes
Little kitchen raider
Member of a farm team
Morsel for an echidna
One in a caste system
One in a jungle trail
One little insect ...
One of "Them!" things
Picnic-ruining insect
Red or black creature
Source of formic acid
Tidbit for a pangolin
Transporter of scraps
Unwanted pantry guest
Word with fire or red
Grasshopper's rebuker
Model Aesop character
Mound-building insect
Six-legged socialist?
Goody Two Shoes" Adam
Tidbit for an echidna
Word with red or army
Exterminator's victim
Unwanted picnic guest
Crumb-carrying insect
Exterminator's target
Black" or "red" insect
Truant" Alien ___ Farm
Certain female soldier
Colony-dwelling insect
Crumb-carrying crawler
Echidna's little snack
Fire or honey creature
Flik, in "A Bug's Life
Grasshopper's opposite
Harvester or carpenter
He's often in the hole
Hill climber, of sorts
Insect in a hobby farm
Insect in one's pants?
It may be red or black
One often on the march
Picnic-invading insect
Queen's servant, maybe
Queen's subject, often
Sidewalk-crack dweller
Six-foot worker, maybe
Six-legged pantry pest
Teensy kitchen invader
Uninvited house guest?
Worker on a small farm
Climber of small hills
Crumb-carrying critter
Morsel for an aardvark
Queen's little subject
Unwelcome picnic guest
Picnic-crashing insect
Tidbit for an aardvark
A Bug's Life" creature
Six-legged picnic pest
A Bug's Life" character
Myrmecologist's subject
__-Man": superhero film
Guest" at certain meals
Aesop's diligent worker
Bug married to an ncle?
Creator of tiny tunnels
Crumb-carrying colonist
Dec's long-time partner
Dweller in a formicary.
Hill and tunnel builder
Insect an aardvark eats
Insect in an Aesop tale
Kitchen cabinet crawler
Kitchen-invading insect
Member of a tiny colony
Oft-stepped-on creature
Pantry raid participant
Paragon of collectivity
Tiny member of a colony
Tiny pest with six legs
Underground queen, e.g.
Uninvited cookout guest
Unwelcome kitchen sight
Unwelcome kitchen guest
Worker in an Aesop tale
Cooperative farm worker
Exemplar for a sluggard
Follower of fire or red
Grasshopper's colleague
Interloper on a blanket
Member of a pantry raid
Munchie for an aardvark
One with tunnel vision?
Queen of the hill, e.g.
Carpenter with six legs
Six-legged kitchen pest
Goody Two Shoes" singer
Celebrity Fit Club" host
Animal that takes slaves
Annoying crawling insect
Bug eaten by an aardvark
Carpenter at the picnic?
Chocolate-covered insect
Diminutive social worker
Dirt excavator, at times
Drone invading a kitchen
Formicidae family member
Insect a doodlebug loves
Insect with a thin waist
Maintainer of tiny hills
Member of a caste system
Member of a certain army
Member of a farm system?
One marching in a column
One putting out feelers?
Pantry intruder, perhaps
Pest with ''high hopes''
Red, carpenter or velvet
Resident of a formicary.
Unwanted kitchen visitor
Flick from "A Bug's Life
Hard-working six-footer?
Occupant of a hobby farm
Six-legged colony member
Warlike insect, at times
Grasshopper's fable mate
Myrmecologist's specimen
Myrmecologist's interest
Member of a small colony
Anthology" Alien ___ Farm
Bug on an itty-bitty farm
Carpenter ___ (home pest)
General Mandible, for one
Industrious little worker
Inhabitant of a formicary
Insect going after combat
Lead bug in "A Bug's Life
Member of a colonial army
Queen of the colony, e.g.
Queen's subject, possibly
Raid or Black Flag target
Six-legged picnic crawler
Suffix with claim or cool
Tiny intruder at a picnic
Uninvited picnic attendee
Walker around a tiny hill
Word with white or worker
Denizen of a certain farm
Army ___ (type of insect)
Symbol of industriousness
___-Man" (Paul Rudd movie)
Carpenter or fire follower
Carpenter or soldier, e.g.
Colony member on the march
Colony member with a queen
Creature with a tiny waist
Farm critter with six legs
Fire or carpenter creature
Grasshopper's fable costar
Kitchen pest with six legs
Myopic, workaholic crawler
One with a small nest egg?
Prefix for arctic or eater
Resident of a certain farm
Aesop's grasshopper chider
Carpenter or army follower
Target for an exterminator
Unwanted guest in a pantry
Fabled grasshopper rebuker
Queen's six-legged subject
Fire ___ (stinging insect)
___-Man (Stan Lee creation)
The ___ Bully" (2006 movie)
Crawlie with a caste system
Insect found in some "farms
Scout on the floor, perhaps
Six-legged pest at a picnic
Small snack for an aardvark
Social creature in a colony
Exemplar of industriousness
Industrious carpenter, e.g.
Insect that lives in a hill
__-Man (one of the Avengers)
Go to the ___, thou sluggard
Critter with three left legs
Flik in "A Bug's Life," e.g.
Flik of "A Bug's Life," e.g.
Kind of bug in "A Bug's Life
Leaf-cutting little colonist
Mighty-for-its-size creature
One repelled by orange rinds
Tidbit for the formicivorous
Type of bug in "A Bug's Life
Word after carpenter or fire
Word after fire or carpenter
Morsel in an aardvark's meal
Suffix with "cool" or "claim
Goody Two Shoes" singer Adam
Insect that lives in a mound
Participant in a pantry raid
Aesop's "The ___ and the Dove
Determined bug in "High Hopes
Feeling in a cathedral, maybe
Grasshopper's friend of fable
Insect that builds tiny hills
Insect that lives in a colony
Member of a small work force?
One involved in a pantry raid
One of a quadrillion on Earth
Pixar's Flik or Princess Atta
Tiny insect that builds hills
Word with black, red or white
Word with carpenter or weaver
Word with white, red or black
Bug on Escher's Moebius strip
Grasshopper's fable colleague
It may be part of a tiny farm
___-Man," 2015 superhero movie
Soldier" or "carpenter" insect
Amazon ___ (aggressive insect)
Carpenter ___ (type of insect)
Creature with elbowed antennae
Grasshopper's foil, in a fable
Hardworking Aesopian character
Industrious Aesopian character
Insect not found in Antarctica
One might march to DMB concert
Six-legged invader of a picnic
White ___ (term for a termite)
One in a long line of workers?
Tiny symbol of industriousness
Exterminator's target, perhaps
Bug that's eaten by an aardvark
Bug that's food for an aardvark
Dove's helper, in an Aesop tale
Flik of "A Bug's Life," for one
Grasshopper's rebuker, in fable
Grasshopper's teacher, in fable
Insect mentioned in "High Hopes
Insect with a harvester variety
Member of an industrious colony
Member of an underground colony
Member of the family Formicidae
Rubber tree plant mover of song
Unpleasant sight in the kitchen
Smooth Criminal" Alien ___ Farm
Grasshopper's fable counterpart
Grasshopper's rebuker, to Aesop
Grasshopper's teacher, in Aesop
Insect that may be black or red
Member of the order Hymenoptera
Sluggard's suggested role model
___-Man" (2015 Paul Rudd movie)
Carpenter" or "harvester" insect
Fire ___ (insect that can sting)
Insect sung about in "High Hopes
Many a nameless "B.C." character
One might march to a DMB concert
One to emulate in an Aesop fable
With -Man, a Paul Rudd superhero
Exterminator's target, sometimes
___ Farm" (Disney channel sitcom)
Atom ___, 1960s cartoon superhero
Grasshopper's neighbor in a fable
Insect that might be black or red
Little member of a complex colony
Tiny soldier that lives in a hill
Grasshopper's teacher, in a fable
Kitchen crawler, if you're a slob
Insect that can be kept in a "farm
Insect that's similar to a termite
Insect that's usually red or black
Inspiration for a Marvel superhero
Model of good behavior in Proverbs
Insect that sounds like a relative
Insect that's eaten by an aardvark
'The -- Bully' (Julia Roberts film)
Giant" in "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
The ___ and the Grasshopper": Aesop
After 94A, "Goody Two Shoes" singer
Bug that's attracted to sugary food
Farm creature with a glass ceiling?
Pest that might invade the cupboard
Vermicide : worm :: formicide : ___
Grasshopper's counterpart, in fable
___-Man (shrinking Marvel superhero)
Army member with no national loyalty
Grasshopper's antithesis, in a fable
Insignificant person, metaphorically
Aesop's "The ___ and the Grasshopper
Insect that crawls in sidewalk cracks
Source of the eggs served in escamole
Grasshopper's partner in an old fable
The Atom ___ Show" (1960's TV cartoon)
A myrmeke of Greek myth is a giant one
Bug that's a symbol of industriousness
Household pest with a fiery appearance
It can lift nearly 50 times its weight
Rubber tree plant mover in "High Hopes
Solomon wrote of it "Consider its ways
They Might Be Giants song about a bug?
Zeus's form when he seduced Eurymedusa
Carpenter ___ (insect that chews wood)
Grasshopper's partner in an Aesop title
Insect that's attracted to spilled food
Insect with "fire" and "army" varieties
Insect that may be covered in chocolate
___-Man" (2015 movie starring Paul Rudd)
Crawler on an M. C. Escher Möbius strip
Grasshopper’s rebuker in an Aesop fable
Insect that can live in a farm or a hill
Little insect that can carry a big crumb
One of an estimated quadrillion on Earth
Extra" in a 2015 Paul Rudd superhero film
Bug with "harvester" and "fire" varieties
Flik, the main character in "A Bug's Life
Insect that might be a soldier or a queen
Insect with "velvet" and "army" varieties
Noted series of paintings by Andrew Wyeth
Social insect that lives below the ground
___-Man (Marvel hero played by Paul Rudd)
___-Man" (2015 Paul Rudd superhero movie)
___-Man" (Marvel movie starring Paul Rudd)
Insect that might live in a hill or a farm
Bug with red, army, and carpenter varieties
Z or Princess Bala, in a 1998 animated film
___-Man (pint-size superhero in a 2015 film)
___-Man" (2015 Marvel Comics superhero film)
Carpenter ___ (insect that nests inside wood)
___-Man (Marvel superhero played by Paul Rudd)
Insect that can lift many times its own weight
Carpenter you don't want to see around the house
Critter that can carry many times its own weight
Small, six-legged member of an underground colony
Bug of the varieties sugar, fire, and yellow crazy
Creature that can carry fifty times its own weight
Farm creature that's edible to humans, surprisingly
Insect with "carpenter" and "leaf-cutter" varieties
The ___ and the Grasshopper" (one of Aesop's Fables)
Only creature besides humans to farm other creatures
Creature that can carry at least ten times its weight
___-Man" (upcoming superhero movie starring Paul Rudd)
___-Man" (upcoming Marvel movie with lots of tiny bugs)
About which the Bible says "Consider her ways, and be wise
Farm creature that can be found 30 more times in this grid
Type of insect voiced by Woody Allen in a 1998 animated film
A kind of one ends each of this puzzle's four longest answers
One of an estimated quadrillion alive on Earth at any given moment
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